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New City

Contemporary Architecture In The City Of London

Alec Forshaw
Photography by Alan Ainsworth

The last 25 years or so have witnessed redevelopment in te City Of London on an unprecedented scale, following the deregulation of the financial markets, the so-called 'Big Bang', in the mid-1980's. As the City has earned its place as a true global financial centre, the majority of its office space has been rebuilt, and developers have taken a much more adventurous approach, commissioning such leading architects as Norman Fister, Rern Koolhas, Jean Nouvel and Richard Rogers. New City is the first book to examine in depth the creation of one of the world's largest collecions of cutting edge architecture - not just the prestigious office blocks that have changed the skyline, but also cultural intitutions, retail sites and oublic spaces. Following an introduction that explores the context for the rebuilding of the City, the main part of the book is divided into 12 concise walk-throughs of the major areas. Authoritatively written by a former urban planner and with all-new photography throughout, this is an indespensible guide for professionals and the public alike.

Alec Forshaw was Chief Conservatin and Design Officer at the London Borough of Islington for 20 years. He has written or co-authored several books on London

Alan Ainsworth specialises in architectural, urban and performing-arts photography. He worked in the City of London for 30 years

Alan Ainsworth - alan@ainsworth.com - www.alanainsworthphotography.com

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