To kick off an exciting 2025 programme Alnwick Civic Society and Alnwick & District Camera Club are collaborating on a vivid new exhibition called 'Alnwick Through the Lens'.
The exhibition marks the 50th anniversary of Alnwick Civic Society by capturing a record of Alnwick at this moment in time and it will be a record for future generations to look back upon.
Members of the Camera Club produced over 700 images and a selection of these are included in the display in Alnwick Playhouse which runs until Saturday 1st February. A further exhibition is then being staged at Bailiffgate Museum and Gallery from 1st April to 11th May.
Camera Club president Laine Baker commented "When the Civic Society approached the club about the 'Alnwick Through The Lens' project our membership responded enthusiastically. I'm delighted with the results, and we covered all of Alnwick - the well-known places and a few hidden corners as well. When people view the photographs in 100 years' time I wonder how much will have changed?"
Alnwick Town Mayor, Councillor Geoff Watson, enjoyed viewing the photographs at the Playhouse saying "I thought I knew all of Alnwick very well but it is fascinating to see the town from someone else's perspective. This is a great collaboration between two of the towns' long-established organisations. Well done to all involved."
Website © 2007-2025 Alnwick & District Camera Club
Copyright on photographs belongs to the photographer