Commended - Alastair Cochrane, Reach For The Sky
Commended - Ian Atkinson, Stormy Sky
Commended - John Smith, Arches In Prague
Highly Commended - Richard Stent, Backstreet Musician, Florence
Highly Commended - Doug Ross, The Gossips
Highly Commended - Gerry Simpson, Flowers In The Rain
4th - Richard Stent, Shop Window, Florence
3rd - Alastair Cochrane, 12th Night
2nd - Doug Ross, Alone Again
1st - Doug Ross, Cellarium
Commended - Alastair Cochrane, Sea Watch
Commended - John Thompson, Sandpiper With Attitude
Commended - Ian Cartwright, Safety In Numbers
Highly Commended - Barry Robertson, York Minster
Highly Commended - Ken Shawcross, The Hat
Highly Commended - Alastair Cochrane, Transition At O'Hare
4th - John Thompson, Adult Tern With Sandeel
3rd - Jane Coltman, Eastern Beauty
2nd - Ian Cartwright, Moon Jellyfish
1st - Doug Ross, Mexican Hat Dance
Commended - Alastair Cochrane, Hands Over Asia
1 - 2 - 3
Commended: John Smith, Roof Tops
1 - 2 - 3
Highly Commended - Laine Baker, Volubilis
1 - 2 - 3
4th - Barry Robertson, Water
1 - 2 - 3
3rd - Doug Ross, Still Waters
One Rock - Two Rocks - Three Rocks
2nd - Jane Coltman, Georgia
1 - 2 - 3
1st - John Thompson, Cabane De Plage
On The Beach - Behind The Wall - Under The Light
Commended - Barry Robertson, Guyzance
1 - 2 - 3
Commended: Alastair Cochrane, Rocks And Water, Yosemite
1 - 2 - 3
Highly Commended - Raymond Beston, Church Stone Carvings
Paris Stone Statues - Doorway Saints - Faces Above The Door
Highly Commended - Gerry Simpson, Nature's Sand Patterns
Latticework - Swirls - Lines
4th - Laine Baker, Majorelle
1 - 2 - 3
3rd - Bill Hudson, The Fox Family
1 - 2 - 3
2nd - Ian Cartwright, Sea Anenome
1 - 2 - 3
1st - John Thompson, The Common Tern
1 - 2 - 3
Commended - Gerry Simpson, Geared Up
Commended - Alastair Cochrane, Anker Trucking
Commended - Raymond Beston, Open Valves; A Lubrication Nightmare
Commended - Raymond Beston, Solving The Lust For Power
Highly Commended - Laine Baker, Machining No. 1
Highly Commended - Doug Ross, Man's Best Friend
Highly Commended - Sue Baker, Mower
4th - Laine Baker, Machining No. 2
3rd - John Thompson, Built For Strength
2nd - Laine Baker, Hole Drilling
1st - John Thompson, Watching The Wheel Go Round
Commended - Barry Robertson, The Sitting Room
Commended - Alastair Cochrane, A Minor Breakdown No. 2
Commended - Gerry Simpson, Decaying Sunflower
Commended - Jane Coltman, Loo With A View
Commended - Roger Black, Cyprus Doorway
Highly Commended - Ian Cartwright, Derelict Pier, Cape Cod
Highly Commended - Barry Robertson, PVC Required, Do You Think?
Highly Commended - Jane Coltman, Time After Time
Highly Commended - John Thompson, The Shine Has All But Gone
4th - Doug Ross, Fading Glory
3rd - Doug Ross, Back Numbers
Joint 1st - Jane Coltman, The Haves and Have Nots
Joint 1st - John Thompson, No Longer Persil Bright
Commended - John Thompson, Angel From Below
Commended - Jane Coltman, Field Junction
Commended - Dave Dixon, Venetian Blind
Highly Commended - Alastair Cochrane, No Parking
Highly Commended - Geoffrey Bradford, Still Life after Giorgio Morandi 2
Highly Commended - Richard Stent, The Conductor
Highly Commended - Laine Baker, We Wanted To Go Too
4th - Tracey Rolley, Shattered
3rd - Dave Dixon, Station Signs
2nd - Laine Baker, French Door
1st - Bill Hudson, The Modern Blacksmith
Commended - Kevin Murray, Turnstones
Commended - Laine Baker, When Shall We Three Meet Again?
Commended - John Thompson, Winter At Alwinton
Highly Commended - Geoffrey Bradford, St Abbs Box 2
Highly Commended - Ian Cartwright, Robin Singing
Highly Commended - Geoffrey Bradford, 3 Pebbles, Alnmouth
4th - John Thompson, On Shore Winds
3rd - Doug Ross, No Parking
2nd - Jane Coltman, Tyne Sunset
1st - Dave Dixon, On The Trot
Website © 2007-2025 Alnwick & District Camera Club
Copyright on photographs belongs to the photographer