Preparing Images For Galleries On The Website
One of the main features of the website is as a showcase for members’ work, and you’re encouraged to contribute images for...
- Personal Galleries – All club members can have a personal gallery on the website to showcase their favourite images (up to a maximum of 25)
- Competition Awards – If any of your images are placed in a competition (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Highly Commended or Commended), then please send them to me to go onto the website
- Trips & Events – There are also some galleries on the website for images from club trips and events, such as the Wednesday Wanderers trips during the summer months. If you’re out and about, then you’re welcome to send a few images for inclusion in the gallery
When you’re preparing images to go onto the website, there are a couple of things that you can do to help me:
- Please resize to a maximum of 800 pixels on the longest side
- Also, to help me keep them organised, can you please name the image file so that it includes both your name and the title of the image, e.g. FredBloggs_NorthumbrianSunrise.jpg
NB these are different requirements to submitting images for PDI competitions.
Once you’ve done that, you can either email them to me at or pop them onto a CD or USB stick and pass it to me when you see me at the club.
If you have any questions, then just ask.
Dave Dixon