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Members' Club Competition Entries

'Figure (Hamburg Shower)' by Alan Ainsworth
Alan Ainsworth - Club Competition Awards

(24 images)
'Panakha Dzong' by Ian Atkinson ARPS
Ian Atkinson ARPS - Club Competition Awards

(93 images)
'Jaipur Kids' by Valerie Atkinson
Valerie Atkinson - Club Competition Awards

(76 images)
'Gateshead Wheel (1)' by Ken Baker LRPS
Ken Baker LRPS - Club Competition Awards

(6 images)
'Speak No Evil' by Laine Baker
Laine Baker - Club Competition Awards

(122 images)
'Pattern From Petals' by Sue Baker
Sue Baker - Club Competition Awards

(32 images)
'Lifting Over The Rock Step' by Raymond Beston
Raymond Beston - Club Competition Awards

(24 images)
'Evening Walk' by Malcolm Biles
Malcolm Biles - Club Competition Awards

(6 images)
'Cyprus Doorway' by Roger Black
Roger Black - Club Competition Awards

(1 image)
'After Morandi' by Geoffrey Bradford
Geoffrey Bradford - Club Competition Awards

(10 images)
'My Friend John' by Karen Broom
Karen Broom - Club Competition Awards

(23 images)
'Smooth Moonlight' by Tony Broom CPAGB
Tony Broom CPAGB - Club Competition Awards

(31 images)
'Steetley Pier' by David Burn LRPS
David Burn LRPS - Club Competition Awards

(98 images)
'Watching' by David Carter
David Carter - Club Competition Awards

(18 images)
'Ashmolean Staircase' by Peter Carter
Peter Carter - Club Competition Awards

(1 image)
'Children Of The Sea' by Ian Cartwright FRPS
Ian Cartwright FRPS - Club Competition Awards

(12 images)
'Porcelain (2)' by Gordon Charlton
Gordon Charlton - Club Competition Awards

(33 images)
'End Of The Line' by Mike Christian
Mike Christian - Club Competition Awards

(2 images)
'Stem' by Alastair Cochrane FRPS DPAGB EFIAP
Alastair Cochrane FRPS DPAGB EFIAP - Club Competition Awards

(122 images)
'Eastern Beauty' by Jane Coltman CPAGB
Jane Coltman CPAGB - Club Competition Awards

(215 images)
'Maiden In Stained Glass' by Rosie Cook-Jury
Rosie Cook-Jury - Club Competition Awards

(7 images)
'Unst Sunset' by Paul Davis
Paul Davis - Club Competition Awards

(5 images)
'Hauxley Egret' by Edwin Dinsdale
Edwin Dinsdale - Club Competition Awards

(1 image)
'St Michael's Church, Ingram' by Dave Dixon LRPS
Dave Dixon LRPS - Club Competition Awards

(134 images)
'Stars, Galaxies, And Northern Lights' by Dru Dodd
Dru Dodd - Club Competition Awards

(13 images)
'Autumn Flower' by Peter Downs LRPS
Peter Downs LRPS - Club Competition Awards

(28 images)
'Words (2)' by Gordon Farrington
Gordon Farrington - Club Competition Awards

(4 images)
'Morning Magic' by Jean Findlay
Jean Findlay - Club Competition Awards

(10 images)
'Supertrees (3)' by Chris Goddard
Chris Goddard - Club Competition Awards

(18 images)
'Manmade Castle' by Elizabeth Gordon
Elizabeth Gordon - Club Competition Awards

(4 images)
'Cretian Door' by Christine Gray
Christine Gray - Club Competition Awards

(8 images)
'Boulmer Steel' by Dennis Hall
Dennis Hall - Club Competition Awards

(2 images)
'Hoodie' by Brian Hunt
Brian Hunt - Club Competition Awards

(4 images)
'Business As Usual' by Nick Johnson
Nick Johnson - Club Competition Awards

(27 images)
'Holy Island Garden' by Andy Kewin
Andy Kewin - Club Competition Awards

(2 images)
'Warmth' by Jim Kirkpatrick
Jim Kirkpatrick - Club Competition Awards

(21 images)
'Lady Competitor' by Malcolm Kus ARPS DPAGB EFIAP/b
Malcolm Kus ARPS DPAGB EFIAP/b - Club Competition Awards

(22 images)
'Sunset At Simonside' by David Lewis
David Lewis - Club Competition Awards

(2 images)
'Breakfast' by Andrew Mackie
Andrew Mackie - Club Competition Awards

(39 images)
'It's February!' by Carol McKay
Carol McKay - Club Competition Awards

(59 images)
'Seated Starling' by Mick McMahon
Mick McMahon - Club Competition Awards

(3 images)
'A Decisive Moment' by Micheal Mundy
Micheal Mundy - Club Competition Awards

(69 images)
'Summer Doe' by Kevin Murray
Kevin Murray - Club Competition Awards

(78 images)
'Druridge Dunes' by Brian Nattrass
Brian Nattrass - Club Competition Awards

(3 images)
'Oculus Main Hall' by George Nasmyth
George Nasmyth - Club Competition Awards

(21 images)
'Seal Making Waves' by Mike Nixon
Mike Nixon - Club Competition Awards

(1 image)
'Taking A Text' by Paul Penman
Paul Penman - Club Competition Awards

(5 images)
'' by Steven Read
Steven Read - Club Competition Awards

(1 image)
'Strawberries' by Barry Robertson LRPS
Barry Robertson LRPS - Club Competition Awards

(51 images)
'Wet Pavement' by Dawn Robertson
Dawn Robertson - Club Competition Awards

(62 images)
'Spreading One's Wings' by Tracy Rolley
Tracy Rolley - Club Competition Awards

(14 images)
'Holy Island Crossing' by Brian Rogers
Brian Rogers - Club Competition Awards

(2 images)
'The Glendale Run' by Doug Ross
Doug Ross - Club Competition Awards

(51 images)
'Proud Driver' by Keith Saint
Keith Saint - Club Competition Awards

(18 images)
'Car Ferry' by Ken Shawcross
Ken Shawcross - Club Competition Awards

(16 images)
'Social Distancing' by Gerry Simpson ADPS LRPS
Gerry Simpson ADPS LRPS - Club Competition Awards

(106 images)
'Lindisfarne Sunset' by Christine Sindall
Christine Sindall - Club Competition Awards

(9 images)
'Wren (2)' by Judith Snaith
Judith Snaith - Club Competition Awards

(12 images)
'The Sage (2)' by Richard Stent LRPS
Richard Stent LRPS - Club Competition Awards

(69 images)
'Alvis' by John Strong
John Strong - Club Competition Awards

(12 images)
'3.20 pm' by Peter Sutcliffe
Peter Sutcliffe - Club Competition Awards

(3 images)
'Budle Bay' by John Thompson ARPS EFIAP CPAGB
John Thompson ARPS EFIAP CPAGB - Club Competition Awards

(171 images)
'Causeway At Sunset' by Joseph Thompson
Joseph Thompson - Club Competition Awards

(12 images)
'The Intercity Express At Platform 9' by Stanley Trafford
Stanley Trafford - Club Competition Awards

(12 images)
'Animal Rebellion, Buckingham Palace' by Laura Venus
Laura Venus - Club Competition Awards

(2 images)
'Sea Smoke Island' by Celia Watson
Celia Watson - Club Competition Awards

(3 images)
'Boat Graveyard' by Lynda Wearn
Lynda Wearn - Club Competition Awards

(2 images)
'Rose 1' by John Whittaker
John Whittaker - Club Competition Awards

(12 images)
'Playtime' by Margaret Whittaker ARPS
Margaret Whittaker ARPS - Club Competition Awards

(113 images)
'The Groyne Harbour Light, South Shields' by Harry Wilkinson
Harry Wilkinson - Club Competition Awards

(13 images)
'Bridge To Rainbow's End' by Anthony Wright
Anthony Wright ARPS DPAGB BPE3* - Club Competition Awards

(2 images)
'Ashington Leisure Centre (3)' by Pat Wood LRPS
Pat Wood LRPS - Club Competition Awards

(20 images)

Website © 2007-2024 Alnwick & District Camera Club
Copyright on photographs belongs to the photographer