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Club Rules

1. The Club will be called the Alnwick and District Camera Club (ADCC) and its purpose is to encourage the study and practice of photography.

2. Club meetings will be held at 7.30pm every Wednesday from September to April. A Special General Meeting may be called by the Committee as and when needed, provided written notice signed by at least 7 members is given to the Secretary 21 days in advance and the business to be discussed is circulated to members.

3. The Club will consist of Ordinary, Junior and Honorary members. Ordinary members will pay an annual subscription, Junior and Honorary members will not pay a subscription. Subscriptions are payable after the AGM and rates can only be changed by a majority vote at the AGM.

4. The Officers of the Club will be elected at the AGM and consist of:-

President, Vice- President(s), Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Programme Secretary and Competition Secretaries.

5. All the business of the Club will be managed by a Committee consisting of the Officers plus other members elected at the AGM. This Committee will make decisions connected with the running of the Club including the appointment of a sub-committee when needed or the co-option of any additional member to a vacant office before the AGM. Committee meetings are quorate if 5 members are present.

6. The AGM will be held in April – notice to be given to members 14 days prior. Changes to Club rules can only be made at the AGM – they must be proposed and seconded and submitted to the Secretary 21 days in advance.

7. Holders of all offices, including Committee members, will be subject to re-election each year at the AGM. The Chairman will serve a maximum of 2 years but may stand for re-election if they wish to do so.

8. The Secretary will keep minutes of all meetings and act as administrator of the Club. The Treasurer will collect subscriptions and manage financial dealings related to the Club – an audited balance sheet will be presented to members at the AGM. The Club’s financial year will end at a convenient date in March each year.

9. In the event of the Club closing down, the Committee will have the power to dispose of all the Club’s assets.

10. The Club will not be liable for any loss, damage or injury sustained by any member or visitor in the course of Club activities.


Also see rules for club competitions.

Website © 2007-2025 Alnwick & District Camera Club
Copyright on photographs belongs to the photographer